Stories Of My Irish Families

Irish Native/Planter Stories

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Edgar Claude Hasler    -   1874 -1946

Continuing from Part 5:

Just when you think you have got some part of continuity with your research, along comes another document, that blew my mind.

It allowed me to believe that the family of the Newenham / Hasler's, still had a genuine interest in Ireland, way up till the late 1930's.
Before this find, I didn't know what to believe, as I had no family documentation to suggest they still had any interest in Ireland.
I was under the impression that all lands and inheritances  were disposed of, after Henry Hood died and the family lived on from that money. But not so.

One of Ireland's record services, had shown a document, listing Edgar's Uncle (Edward Persse Newenham - Henry Hood's second son), still had some portion of the lands in Knockbrack.
This was dated around the early 1920's (1922 I think). That's the only thing I knew after 1900, that the family had any connection to Ireland.

A few days ago, it was discovered that many years after Edward Persse Newenham died, that Edgar and his Aunty Caroline Anne Pitman (nee Newenham), controlled some of the Shallee Mine Lands up until 1937.
I was completely taken back, as it's the first confirmation, they still had a genuine interest in Ireland.

Edgar's "Will / Estate" never mentioned anything about lands of this nature. I believe he may have been acting as in an "assistant's" capacity, rather to be owning land. However, Edgar was involved directly with this business, but it remains unclear to what capacity.
I am more certain than before, that his business and family connection to Mining, was the driving force to his years of banter on the Mining Industry, Politicians and Council's, here in Melbourne and that of other parts of Australia.

But I am still in bewilderment, as to his family connection, that it didn't make him a very successful entrepreneur. I can only add, he knew of the business of the Mining very well, but wasn't taught the science of it. He had no degree's, but professed to have the knowledge.
The Australian Federal Government notes on Edgar (over various years), shows a slightly confused person, which indicates "why" Edgar, was never really successful.
IMHO, if Edgar had of gone to a University as such, got a degree and became a Dr (of science), you might have well said that he would have been the best Geologist / Miner you've ever seen.
But somewhere, lurking in the background, there's this little voice that keeps nagging me, to believe that his Brother-In-law, Phillip MacNevin, had something to do with the 1900's name change and persona change of : Edgar Claude Hasler becoming Kelwylyn Rawson Moure.
A circumstantial era with connotations of the exact same incident to that of Edgar's sister "Annie Henriette Hasler". Both Brother and Sister's name were changed in 1900-1903. The era that Phillip MacNevin came about.

Now, Caroline died within a year from this 1937 news paper publication.
Some Australian news paper clippings mention about Caroline's children having quite an estate. The son died early on and that it passed to a sibling and a friend. So this land may have been passed outside the family after the 1940's. But still not greatly researched. Though, the story is there.

Shallee Mines - K.R Moure and Caroline Anne Pitman Lease - 6th Nov 1937 - Nenagh Guardian


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by Stories Of My Irish Families Saturday, February 22, 2014 No comments

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Edgar Claude Hasler    -   1874 -1946

Continuing from Part 4:

Patent No.1 - Well Boring Device

Patent No.2 - Steam Generator

Patent No.3 - Coal Shale Retort

Patent No.4 - Shale or Coal Retort

Patent No.5 - Improvements in Steam Generator
Patent No.6 - Improvements for Distillation of Shale

Moure also became known for an inventive mind. After WW1, Moure's mining expedition in Western Australia came to a close. He moved back to Melbourne and then off to Sydney (Naremburn).
With no prior history of his schooling and or his higher education skills ever known, it is not fully understood 'where' he got his skills of the Mining Industry, but one thing is clear, they were all mostly derived from Oil/Coal/Gas/Power Generation industries / concepts.
One would have to think, if you were producing patents for these industries, you should have a clear understanding on principles of chemistry and metallurgy.
No paperwork, has ever shown up as proof, as to Moure's Chemistry / Metallurgy skills.

I have only but a grasp of how I think Moure knew his stuff. The only way that is clear, is again, by his Grandfather's stories and "hand down of information" of his Great Grandfather - Edward Worth Newenham 1767-1832.
The Mining of the lands in Tipperary, Ireland by Edward and Moure's life history, is too hard to ignore. It is the only shining light in all these years of research, to provide more than just "reasonable doubt" to his knowledge.

Moure never had shown any proof of accolades at all. Simply business cards with his titles. Some mention of Trade Certificates, but that would not warrant the certain information or jobs that what he was trying to get.
A lot of his writings to people, had instilled some sort of "too much information" and it confused the participant, in that they just agreed with what he said. It all sounded good.....That is until certain people with 'professor' accolades, sussed him out.
He had the "gift of the gab" and writing skills to procure a benefit in his favour, most of his lines would be something in the order of "be a good chap and help me out, without the fuss".

Moure's persona, had to be about 10-15 years older than he really was. It was created that way, to show that he was "in the early days" of exploration, as Australia was only finding it's feet in the very early 1900's. It was the only way he knew on how to pull it off.

These Patents also show a trend throughout his life, in that he changed his middle "R" name a few times. We see 2 names, "Rawson" and "Roswan" but he did have a 3rd name as well, but it's not mentioned here in these patents.
They were changed on purpose and there is no doubt about it. As certain events that happened around the time of change, he had issues with his devices and people were trying to find him, to get their money back.
Because he changed his middle initial, he went under the name of K.R Moure, which technically, could be all of these changes.
Pretty smart fella, that he could, so to speak, be 3 people all at once.

Of what I can figure out about Mr Moure, these patents were IMHO, previous peoples patents and idea's and all he did was play with them and call it an "improvement". Under the patent laws, to be your own patent you can - edit, a previous patent, improve it to clean it's flaws and it can be then claimed as your own.
 The key problem with patents (that I understood after all of this research), is that they were still untested devices, which I didn't know about at the time. They "claimed" to work, but an inventor had to protect their work, so they patented it, before it was tested. The patent was then put to the public, to entice the investment of said device. With the influx of money, R&D could be further placed on the development of the patent.
With these patents, if your device didn't work as claimed (when built and physically tested), you didn't get the funding or the investors.

Now, sometime later, someone else can pick up this flawed patent, simply tweak it, then flog it off as an "improved" device. But yet, it can be still flawed and not work after the tweak.
Depending on the "Inventor" and the gift of the gab, you can sell it off and make money.

This is simply my theory on Moure. He had knowledge of the industry, but lacked chemistry and metallurgy skills. And his undoing. It is the sole reason why he did not get financial backing from anyone, simply because his theories on the product actually working, didn't match up with the investors beliefs.
These patents were tweaks on previous patents that didn't work. He used the analogy that someone else did the hard yards, I'll use their failed project and tweak it and sell it.
He tried for many years to sell his devices, but yet could not provide evidence that they indeed actually worked. He wanted funding first then produced the product.

Off all these patents, none of them were sold or made any money for Moure.

When Moure (Edgar) died in 1946, his 'WILL' mentioned this tidbit. The answer!

*Note : His will was under the name of Kelwylyn R  Moure, not Edgar Claude Hasler.  Yet in the will he mentions his family that is of the "Hasler's" and "MacNevin's". He died as Kelwylyn R Moure.

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by Stories Of My Irish Families Saturday, January 11, 2014 No comments

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Edgar Claude Hasler    -   1874 -1946

Continuing from Part 3 :

By the era of the 1920-1930-1940's, Moure was heavily involved with schemes of trying to gain capital, to fund his adventures.
Being of : finding oil / boring for it and inventions/patents started to heavily flow.

His business sense went into full swing, creating businesses and "floating them" or by creating a major shareholder prospectus.
All these types of schemes (suspect that may have been over 20+ schemes) were headed by him or somewhat majorly advised by him - as the Engineer or Geologist.

Many of these schemes ended up with a reply of this nature :

This did not deter Moure at all, he kept on soldiering on besides the multiple objections against his business models.
In respect of this, I am not sure if Moure knew of the reason why he kept getting rejected letters. It made me guess about his selling methods or was he shooting for "pot luck" and hoping he'd get lucky or was he on a sure thing & they just needed refinement?
One financial backer of his projects, apparently realised that things weren't happening. So he took it upon himself and ventured to Moure's house and the other person involved in the scheme. He noted that no-one was at home (at the 2 premises), nothing was happening in the backyards and hadn't happened for a few months. It is where this backer realised, what was going on and I gather he wanted to confront Moure on his "investment". Nothing more was mentioned about this story.

One of the rejection letters that popped up, was the following & that it sort of quelled this clouded judgement of mine.
His projects spilled over to the 1940's, where upon the last few years of his life, he was still ever so active.
His projects landed into Federal Government hands, as he pushed to gain Government assistance.
This was a defining letter in my research and was the Government's reply to his business practices.
It assisted my thoughts of his projects & explained the harsh reality of his projects and motives.
(The red line here, happens throughout these papers and I think it's his markings to suggest and to highlight an incorrect term or phrase (against him), something that he dwelled upon) 

It does not end here, as it spills over to his Patent's.
In the next part I'll explain that.
Whilst I agree what he was doing was such a "go-get-'em" attitude, when confronted with the truth against his ideals, he struggled to appease people, but shrugged it off and tried his luck somewhere else. It shows why he moved a lot. In the early days.

#Genealogy #Irish #Ireland #Heritage #History #Ancestry

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by Stories Of My Irish Families Tuesday, December 24, 2013 No comments

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Edgar Claude Hasler    -   1874 -1946

Continuing from Part 2 :

Moure dropped out of being a "Senator", but still remained defiant on association with the Oil Industry. I am pretty certain, the Senator part, was to get his name out in society, so it was a recognised name.
I have no proof, but I have a very strong hunch that Phillip MacNevin (brother-in-law), had something to do with manipulating Edgar into Moure. Because Phillip manipulated Annie (and or Nancy) Henrietta Hasler's name to Marie Josephine MacNevin at exactly the same time, there was a perfect motive.

Moure kept traveling places in hope of finding oil, but none came.

1912 : There is a major possibilty, he traveled to England to see the Titanic set sail. He was in Liverpool 3 days before she set sail, and left Southhampton 6 months later.

He held some talks and meetings with local communities, about alternative fuels and their uses. This was an ongoing project that lead into decades later.

It is just prior to the WW1 era, that Moure is really busy in various duties. Transits around Australia doing odd jobs, Mining and business related.

He ends up doing a stint as an Expert for the Federal Government, heading to Papua New Guinea, in search for oil. As per : PNG Operations
Something to do with Drilling operations. However, it didn't last long as he had a disagreement with a co-worker and from 1 perspective, he "quit" and was sent home.
However, Moure's explanation months later is that he got sick (was poisoned) and is well enough to do the duty again. But the Government reviewed his accolades and suggested that his references were a little old for this job, so they passed him over and went for someone else.

Moure decided to head West, to Perth. Well outer North East about 200km's.
He was mining with his Brother in the goldfields.
Was there until the war ended.

Either just prior to WW1 or during, Moure becomes more involved with inventions, for the mining industry and power generation.
But what is very clear on his ideologies of this venture, is that it wasn't very well researched.

(Back Story Dialogue on Inventions and Mining)
Whilst his intentions to make a product work, the pure science behind his product didn't agree with him. And ultimately, his undoing. He understood what it should do, but he couldn't prove outright and scientifically that it could work as promoted and planned.
He had the hands to make it work but not the scientific mind to make it work.
His projects were sold on a basis of "It's going to work, but I need money to make it work". The actual science behind how his hypothesis's worked, was majorly flawed. It's as if he had an epiphiany (of an idea) and out of his mind it worked on paper, but not in the real world.
Brochures and drawings all helped prospective buyers, but not many people bought in.
It is one of the most baffling things I have encountered whilst researching Moure, as it seems he was of good nature, but he lacked the "step back and think what am I doing" approach.
A document found recently, established why he had an inventive mind and it was on Mining. His Great Grandfather - Edward Worth Newenham (eldest son of Sir Edward Newenham MP), was a miner himself. Owning and operating a large Coal/Silver and Lead mine in the County of Tipperary, Ireland - it was a town called Killenaule and Shallee. I have figured out that Edgar's Grandfather - Henry Hood Newenham, passed down the stories and lifestyle of his father, to young Edgar. It is the only key to unlocking Edgar's story and how he became so knowledgeable about the Coal/Gas and Oil mining without having proven accolades.
This recently researched link and very crucial document E W Newenham - Mining in Tipperary explains why the history of mining is in the family.

1918 : is where we see him pop up in Perth and in one of the most telling and most crucial documents ever found, on Edgar. It's one of those documents, that in Genealogy, that you look for in your research. It just happens to be compiled in one document. It helps to unlock such a mystery. This was a turning point of this family's ancestral history. This was one of the most major exciting finds I have come across and most probably what gives you the drive to find what you can on your ancestors.

1920, his father - Frederick John Hasler - Irish and Australian Photographer extraordinaire, passed away.
On Frederick's death certificate, it lists "Edgar Claude" as 45 years of age and the eldest living child.

From the 1920's and onwards, Moure was into inventing. One of his first accounts of a patent, was something to do with a drilling rig, that hasn't ever been seen since or developed like it before.
No much is known about the drill rig, but it never really hit it big time. Even though it looks like a winner, it seemed to fall flat.
It was an unfortunate trend that was to continue.

So as you can see by now, Edgar / Dr. Moure, is quite an involved character.
From this point on, his passion to be a miner and inventor, has just had the ante lifted much higher in the next 1-2 decades of his life.

Stay tuned....................

#Genealogy #Irish #Ireland #Heritage #History #Ancestry

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by Stories Of My Irish Families Tuesday, December 17, 2013 No comments

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Edgar Claude Hasler    -   1874 -1946

Continuing from Part 1 :

(Bit of dialogue and back story)
When I initially developed interest in Edgar, my Great Aunt, gave me some documents (quite a lot), that was to be of Edgar's life story.
His own personal documents. It was to be, quite the historical documentary, on his life.
It took about 6 months to initially understand him (and a few years later to fully understand). I would talk to my father, my wife and great aunt about him, because I couldn't fully grasp his behaviour, I needed 2nd and 3rd opinions on my hypothesis, as a lot of my thoughts were confused.
It is only now that I can write up about him, as I found what is the biggest explanation to his life story - to date. It also directly involves his ancestors. A document found a few weeks ago, on his Great Grandfather, opened a door to explain in great detail, on why the "K R Moure" persona, was into Mining and Well Boring operations. The link and story is mindboggling and astounding (More on that later)

The above document, shows K R Moure up to about 1930, even what was to be the concept of drawing up Kelwylyn's life story.
This document shows exactly, how he adjusted Kelwylyn's life to fit in with the stories. I suppose, like a scriptwriter, he was depicting the story board of Kelwylyn right before my eyes.
It shows that Edgar even corrected himself on Kelwylyn's early life. Something's were a little to 'bright', so he had to tune down the story to make it fit within his own life. This document gave me great insight to what and how he worked.

Part of the document, shows that he worked in Papua New Guinea. Yes he did go, but it was for 1 week. A little bit more on that story later.
But the placement of timelines, shows that it looks like he was there till 1921.
During WW1 era, he was actually in Western Australia, digging and working the Gold Mines with his younger brother. Whilst it's true what he did, he did not elaborate on his timelines, which gave a false indication of what he was actually doing.

Edgar manipulated the persona K R Moure so much, that it was hard to define what was truth and what was fact. Because the stories were quite strong in concept, a lot of people around him, who weren't educated to a University level, actually believed him.
It wasn't until a few people who had this high level of education, actually called his bluff. He squirmed so much, it was almost like watching Nixon being grilled by David Frost about the Watergate affair.
But the funny thing is, he always "got away with it", in a manner of speaking. This is something that I cannot understand, particularly in today's world. Flabbergasted, would be the word.

As mentioned before, Edgar doesn't appear until 1903 and is under the persona of K R Moure in Adelaide, South Australia.

From 1903 - Edgar Claude Hasler, is now long gone and forgotten.
(until 2 events in 1918 and 1920 - more on that later)

The first public instance of K R Moure was here :

Same page here :

It shows we already have a US Senator and an Oil Expert in June of 1903.
The mentioning of "County of Washington - Ohio" is a little ironic to pick.
Seemingly that his ancestors (Great Great Grandfather and Great Grandfather) were good friends of 1st President - George Washington and the US political hierarchy.
Interesting references to "George Washington" pop up a few times during his life.
It was like he is "chuffed to bits", on being associated with his ancestors.

Moure investigates the "Coorong" district for Oil. Initially some reports came out of Coorong about a substance found that contained "Oil", but after later tests it showed that it was an algae with similar properties.
But this substance was promoted highly that Coorong was to be "mined and drilled" right away. Because I couldn't find a lot of reference to this Oil find, recent searches on Google showed nothing in today's world of Mining (on a grand scale) ever happening in Coorong district. It was all park land. After learning of this discrepancy, I treated Mr Moure with a doubtful respect. Every piece of info was analysed to see if there was a discrepancy.
I later found out Mr Moure was, I suppose - Cold Calling or being like a Water Diviner on the suspected Oil Fields of Coorong.
When this Coorong project was debunked, Moure moved on to other projects of a similar nature

#Genealogy #Irish #Ireland #Mining #Heritage #South Australia #Oil

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by Stories Of My Irish Families Saturday, December 14, 2013 No comments

Friday, 13 December 2013


    Edgar Claude Hasler    -   1874 -1946


    Eldest surviving child of Frederick John Hasler & Eliza Persse Newenham.
    2nd Great Grand Uncle to me.

    When I was young, my Nan used to talk about him a lot, but not in the way I would understand as I was only 5 odd years old. And as years went on, she would not elaborate to great detail, but she would keep hinting about stories and it kept my interest for many years.
    When I visited my Nan over the years, I read a lot of books, particularly a set of historic encyclopedia's. I found out many years later, that these books were his and was passed down to my Nan, when he passed away. And that a legacy from his estate, in the form of money, came to my Nan's family, that helped buy shoes and clothes when they were struggling. My Nan visited him in Sydney around in the early 1940's, whilst on a family trip with her mother (Dorothy May MacNevin).
    She remembers him quite well. So about 3 years ago, my inquisitiveness got the better of me and when I questioned her about him (after I had learned who "he" was), my Nan eventually and quietly acknowledged "Ahhh, so you know".

    And here is the real story that I learned : 

    Edgar was born 7th Aug 1874 in St.Kilda, Melbourne, Australia & became a 1st Generation Australian.
    Edgar died on 23rd Aug 1946 in Narremburn, Sydney, Australia, under the pseudonym of Dr Kelwylyn R Moure.

    Father Frederick was originally a Professional Photographer from Galway, Ireland but seemed to drift to the East Coast (Dalkey  - Dublin) after his father's death. Mother Eliza was apparently French Born, to Irish Parents. Both Edgar's parents settled in Melbourne.

    Edgar had some very historical Irish heritage, some of his ancestors were :
    1. Great Great Great Grandson of Sir Charles Burton (Dublin City Lord Mayor)
    2. Great Great Grandson of Sir Edward Newenham (Irish MP)
    3. Great Grandson of Edward Worth Newenham (Magistrate/Mining Magnate)
    4. Great Great Grandson of Sir John Hasler (Chamberlain in the suite of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland)
    5. Great Grandson of John Hasler (Deputy Chamberlain in the suite of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland)
    6. 2nd Cousin - 1 x removed from Lady Gregory (Isabella Augusta Persse)
    Now, not much is known of Edgar until 1903. Any notes on him, is a blank canvas until then. Only a few photos survive pre-1903.

    1874 till about 1897-1898 : Edgar's family was based in Melbourne, from what I know of. His mother's agonising death in 1891 would obviously have an impact on him and his family.

    1897-1898 : (Dialogue back story)
    Death of his Photographer Uncle George (George Henry Massey Hasler).
    George was a phenomenal photographer. Working in his own business in Melbourne, was "Johnstone O'Shannessy" with his wife Emily O'Shannessy.
    Edgar's Father - Frederick, did not have a position in this company as such and would of been more like, he had an association with his Brother's business.
    Frederick was a phenomenal photographer as well, even back in Ireland, he also took photos from his business in Elizabeth Street, Melbourne and at home in Gurner Street, St.Kilda.
    When George died, it seems the photography firm did not take hold of Frederick's skill, rather a twist was involved. It is unclear if one person made the decision or it was by mutual consent on what was to happen.
    It seems that the reigns of the "Johnstone O'Shannessy" firm, were given to George's son-in-law : Rupert De Clare Wilks.
    In a twist, which took many months to research, was that the "Johnstone O'Shannessy" firm also had 'satellite' businesses as well.
    1 being named "Eureka Photo Studio" in Adelaide.
    A business decision was made and that Frederick was to relocate to Adelaide (Rundle Place - Now as Gawler Place and North Terrace), working for the "Eureka Photo Studio". Mostly as a Photo Enlarger.
    This meant that Frederick and the kids (including Edgar), were to move with him.

    1897-1903 : Quite a blank canvas, but only information about Eureka is known, it ties his Father in Adelaide, but does not tie Edgar as such, no references to Edgar.
    1903 : What was to be like a Caterpillar morphing into a Butterfly, 29 year old Edgar surfaces under the pseudonym of K.R Moure.
    Initially as Kelwylyn Rawson Moure or simply Kel R Moure.

    How he came up with the name or this persona of K R Moure, is unknown, but what adds a twist, is that his Grandfather (Henry Hood Newenham) plays somewhat of a part in his ideologies about the Coal / Oil / Shale Gas industries. I'll lead into that a bit later. But I also have a hunch that his brother-in-law, "Phillip MacNevin" may have also played a part on the "knowledge" of the law side of things.

    This is a dawn of a huge beginning, as Edgar now drops his whole life as it is and decides to push the K R Moure persona to the next level.
    *Note : Both names will be referenced in this blog and they mean the 1 person*

    The K R Moure persona, leads into the following stories :
    • Coal / Oil / Shale / Gas industry, the mining part.
    • Patents arise
    • Many business ventures that centre on mining apparatus
    • Many stouches with the Government/Politicians on Fuel Prices
    • A Federal Government Job as a Oil / Boring expert in P.N.G (that lasted 1 week)
    • A steam / alternative fuels car concept
    • Constant letters, to I suppose "harrass" the recipient, of a reply
    • Became involved with some well boring activities in Australia
    • Became a Gold Miner with his brother during WW1
    • Police had numerous interrogations on "who" he really was
    • Numerous contacts with a young girl with "coded letters",
      and that the Police thought he was commiting "a treasonable offence" (WW1 era)
    • Was a Research Engineer
    On a last note, he had great knowledge of the Coal / Oil Industry and being a Research Engineer, yet he had no accolades to justify his position, but he subjected his theories or his communications with people who had proper certifications of their professions, to such a level, it almost annoyed them. It is one of the most intriguing parts of Edgar that I cannot fully understand.
    But with one thing in mind, that his "ancestors" played a huge role in his K R Moure persona, as such, that I truly believe he was channeling his ancestors lives into his.
    In a nutshell, I think he had to live up to an expectation of his Ancestors and that is what I think he was doing. I don't know why it comes across as that, but it's the only 'logical' explanation that I can come up with, to define why he created K R Moure,
    As Part 2 will explain a bit more.

    #Genealogy #Heritage #Ireland #Irish #History

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    by Stories Of My Irish Families Friday, December 13, 2013 No comments

    Sunday, 8 December 2013

    As explained before, Ancestral research can be an aquired taste, until you have something interesting to work on.

    My initial induction to Ancestral Heritage, was my Grandmother's Great Uncle.
    My Grandmother used to mention to me as a kid about her family, but I was too young to understand. Many years after, I talk to her now about it and she now understands how 'much' I know, whether it be good or bad.

    Her Great Uncle - Edgar Claude Hasler 1874-1946 (aka K.R. Moure - Kelwylyn Roswan Moure - Kelwylyn Rosman Moure, Kelwylyn Rawson Moure and yes even Dr Moure)
    Born in Melbourne, Australia and died in Sydney, Australia.

    And boy was it an induction to researching someone, because it had more twists and turns than anyone would ever believe. It took sometime to believe what this man was up to. What was to be found was something quite the 'unimaginable', due to the fact of who this person was what he did through his life, but it was also what I found out about his ancestors and most of all, how they impacted his life 100-200 years later. Yes his ancestors lives, I really truly think were channeled into him.

    I'll explain more in the next blog, as Edgar's life will take quite a bit to explain.

    But to hint at highlights, we have a man born to an Irish Born Father and a either a Irish or French Born Mother in 1874. Nothing is known of his early life until 1903.
    He surfaces as a American Senator in Adelaide in 1903, features in social circles and is then known for his Oil/Coal/Gas exploration activities.
    He is sent by the Australian Government to Papua New Guinea, in search and hope for Oil/Coal/gas reserves, but is sent back home after 1 week in the job (altercation with a worker)
    He ventures to Western Australia with his brother in Gold Mining explorations during WW1.
    Ends up being investigated by the Police, on who he actually is and what is he doing, as he mentioned he was part German.
    Ends up in a weird communication with a young lass, much younger than him and involves the parents and the Police.
    Leaves Western Australia for Adelaide then to Melbourne then to Sydney.
    Ventures in to business schemes that involve a lot of money and that they fail.
    Leaves Australia to what I think is his all time great adventure, of seeing the Titanic set sail, then comes back 6 months after.
    Badgers politicians on Coal/Gas and alternative fuels, saying they aren't investing in his plans to revolutionize the Australian Fuels market.
    And ends up being a Dr. in Geology/Coal/Gas drilling.
    He dies known as a Dr. Moure in Sydney in 1946.

    His Irish heritage, goes way back into Irish History, much more than I even expected and such great detail. I believe that he just wanted to be like his ancestors - prominent and known. Maybe a bit of the ol' 'ego' got to him?

    Let the tale of his life and my ancestral heritage begin.

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    by Stories Of My Irish Families Sunday, December 08, 2013 No comments

    Thursday, 5 December 2013

    As a follow on to my initial blog, these are the families I am currently researching and hoping to tie up if there is any evidence that my Paternal side ever came across my Maternal side :

    Maternal - Burton - Co. Carlow (Burton Hall)

    • Benjamin Burton (8th GGF)
    Married Grace Stratford, and became a Brother-In-Law to another 8th GGF Henry Persse (Grandfather of Col. William Persse of Roxborough). Benjamin was Alderman in Dublin and served as Lord Mayor in 1706. He represented Dublin as a Member of Parliament (MP) between 1703-1723.
    He purchased lands in 1712 at Burton Hall in Co. Carlow. 
    • Sir Charles Burton (7th GGF)
    Once a Lord Mayor of Dublin (1753) and very well respected man.
    He made a passionate plea with the then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (Lord Townshend), that Townshend made a mistake in the sacking of his Son-In-Law, Sir Edward Newenham, from the House of Commons, in very controversial circumstances.
    • Grace Anna Burton (6th GGM)
    Daughter of Sir Charles, married Sir Edward Newenham, had 18 children.
    Maternal - Newenham - Carrigaline, Cork :

    • Sir Edward Newenham (6th GGF) MP & Colonel - Dublin "Liberty Volunteers" (1734-1814)
    Was a "House of Commons" Parliamentarian during the mid to late 1700's. Was a very staunch Protestant and had the tendancy to not like the Catholic power. He did not like the British running of Ireland. Discussed his displeasure of the Government proceedings, in the local newspaper under an alias/ "non de plume" of "Brutus" (very vocal character).
    Was a very large land owner, but his money management skills failed him and he ended up in debtors prison (Kilmainham Gaol). Unfortunately, this issue lead to the Family disowning him towards the end of his life, particularly, with Edward Worth (his eldest son - 5th GGF)
    Was a personal friend to George Washington, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin and the Marquis Lafayette. Edward's wife - Lady Grace Anna Burton (Daughter of Sir Charles Burton - Lord Mayor of Dublin) and family were touring France and they had dinner with Ben Franklin, and Lafayette. Also a very good friend of James Napper Tandy (1798 United Irishman). He would have followed Napper Tandy into being a "United Irishman", but he didn't. Though to follow Napper Tandy, it would have gone against his beliefs. He was initially against the Act of Union, but at the 11th hour, changed his views, due to the rising of the Catholic Movement. He relented on his initial decision and then advocated for the "Act of Union", to in a way to dis-inherit power from the Catholics, but as he did not sit in the last "Irish" parliament, his vote couldn't be cast.
    Sir Edward is depicted in Francis Wheatley's painting "The Irish Volunteers in College Green" 4 November 1779 (Set along side the Duke of Leinster's "Dublin Volunteers")
    His life (the goods and the bads) allowed me to utilise skills, to understand many others with hard to follow lives. It has been very helpful in understanding politics and "the games played".

    • Son of Sir Edward - Edward Worth Newenham (5th GGF) (1767-1832)
    Land Owner. Married into the 'Persse' family of Roxborough (Married Elizabeth Persse daughter of Colonel William Persse and Sarah Blakeney of Roxborough, Co. Galway). Owned and Operated a Coal / Lead and Silver mine in Tipperary - Killenaule / Shallee. These lands were inherited as part of his marriage settlement.
    Became a Captain - Dublin "Liberty" Volunteers under his father.
    Wined and dined with Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Maquis of Lafayette whilst visiting in France with his father.
    Became a Galway Magistrate, led raids on homes looking for arms during the "Men from the '98" days.
    It is believed that Edward Worth, also had issues with the Catholics becoming a dominance and around 1820-1822, he left Ireland and headed for Boulogne, France. He died in Boulogne France in 1832. In many ways, he was like his Father about Catholics, but I see no physical action against them, rather he used just words. Again, you need to see the good and the bad side, to understand why they said and did things, otherwise you draw a 1 sided conclusion.
    • Son of Edward Worth - Henry Hood Newenham (4th GGF) (1805-1895)
    Born in Dublin, possibly Blackrock, not much known about early life.
    He was named after Lord Hood (Samuel Hood R.N). Henry's elder brother, served under Lord Hood and the family was personally known to Lord Hood, via Henry's Uncle.
    He moved with his family to France and was in France at the time of his father's death (1832)
    He married his first cousin - Annie Blakeney Persse in Athenry, Co Galway Ireland in 1837. It seems they may have married around Castle Blakeney. The Taylor's from Castle Taylor witnessed the wedding.
    Henry and Annie, left for France, had a few children there and then headed for the Jersey Islands and waited out the Famine on the island, before coming to Melbourne. There is a thought that Henry Hood, may have had a connection to Melbourne before he came here, as he was in a Government Job (councils) within a few months of arriving here. Many of the Newenham's fought in the Napoleonic wars. Henry didn't serve, as he was the youngest son to survive, so I gather he was told to stay away from the Famine to protect the family. Though the Newenham estate was no more as it got sold off at the time he was in Jersey. (over 1700 acres in various areas around Cork, sold at auction after the famine). However, later details showed that lands had not been completely disposed of.
    Henry shows history of the families inheritance's transcending down the lineage, even to his children, that shared a very strong connection to Ireland (Tipperary Mines) atleast until the 1930's/1940's.
    Henry's involvement in Melbourne Australia, seemed to not show any animosity to other religions, but as if, to treat all as equal. Even working under Sir Charles Gavan Duffy's (former "Young Irelander") rule of the Water Board, Henry did not show any disdain.
    Henry's 1st cousin, Charles Burton Newenham, was the Sheriff of South Australia for around 20 odd years around the time Adelaide was formed into a City.

    Maternal - Hasler - Dublin & Galway

    • Sir John Hasler - (6th GGF)
    Chamberlain to Lord Lieutenant Townshend (1770's) and Duke of Rutland
    • John Hasler - (5th GGF)
    Chamberlain to Duke of Rutland
    • William Benjamin Hasler (4th GGF) (1802-1859)
    Not much known about him, was a 'Civil Servant' and had ties to a house named 'Whitehill' in Co. Wexford. William lived in and was a farmer in Galway City. He was of the St.Nicholas Church, married there - children baptised there and was buried on the grounds of the church, his wife Hannah Scott along with his children left Galway sometime in the 1850's and headed for Dublin (Kingstown/Dalkey area), as most of the Hasler's were based in this area.
    There is some form of heresay, that there is a German part to this family, but it is not known who came from Germany, or if indeed there was a form of German ancestry.
    • Frederick John Hasler (3rd GGF) (1838-1920)
    Born in Galway City, lived at 18 Dominick Street (Upper?) and was an accomplished photographer (as well as his younger brother George)
    He spent his working life as a photographer in most areas of Ireland. He left Ireland for Melbourne Australia in 1869.There is possible suggestive evidence to assume that Frederick had a connection to the Newenham's, before he landed here. As when Frederick disembarked from the boat, a piece of luggage was in the name of "Henry Hood Newenham", but not a Hasler.
    He ended up marrying the Great Grand Daughter of Sir Edward Newenham - Eliza Persse Newenham (1842-1891 & direct 3 GGM) in Melbourne Australia in 1872.
    He still worked as a photographer in Melbourne, whereby he worked in conjunction with his younger brother and sister-in-law (George Hasler and Emily O'Shannessy) of the firm Johnstone O'Shannessy, based at 3 Bourke St. It was then, after 1885, based at 55-57 Collins Street until 1905.
    He had his own business of photography and when his brother died in 1897, he ran / worked in a photography business in Adelaide (in conjunction with Johnstone O'Shannessy). Died in Melbourne in 1920 and buried with his wife.
    Frederick was an accomplished sportsman, particularly in rowing, both in Galway and Melbourne.
    He used to row upon the River Corrib and may have been a foundation member of the Corrib Rowing Club, just prior to 1869. He would also row in local clubs on the Yarra River, also would partake in photographing rowing events - held upon the Yarra - around the 1870's in Melbourne.

    Maternal - Persse - Galway
    *Note - Persse family had a lot of marriages within the family*

    Land Owners in Galway. My link is from the "Roxborough" Persse's, there is also Persse's from Moyode Castle. Henry Stratford Persse ran the Persse Distillery (Top 5 world most expensive Whiskey's).
    Most of them had high positions in the courts - Sheriff's and Magistrates.
    This family inter-married quite a lot. Marriage of 1st cousins happened quite a bit.

    The most celebrated Persse member, when the word Irish and Persse come to mind is Lady Gregory (Isabella Augusta Persse), folklorist / founded the Irish Literary Theatre.
    She is a 2nd Cousin 5 x removed to me. Common ancestor is Col William Persse.

    • William Persse - (6th GGF) (Colonel - Roxborough Volunteers 1770's)
    Not greatly researched yet (concentrated on the children of)
    •  Elizabeth Persse - (5th GGM)
    Elizabeth was the daughter of Col. William Persse and Sarah Blakeney. She married Edward Worth Newenham in 1787. Their first son - Edward Worth Newenham, was born exactly 9 months after the wedding and was born in the Roxborough estate. They lived in Galway for many years and had children in and around the Roxborough and Hampstead estates.
    She was a Great Aunt to Lady Gregory. (Lady Gregory's Grandfather - Robert Persse, was a brother to Elizabeth)
    Due to the fact that her Father-In-Law and her Husband were estranged later in life, it does seem there was some communication, between Sir Edward and Elizabeth as some sort of consolation.

    • Annie Frances (could be "Blakeney Persse"?) Persse (4th GGM)
    Direct 4th GGM, Born in Dublin to William Blakeney Persse and Anne Blood and was daughter in-law of Elizabeth Persse, but also a direct Niece as well. She married Henry Hood Newenham (who was also half Persse / youngest son of Elizabeth). That makes Henry and Annie 1st cousins.
    Annie had a sister, Charlotte that made her way to Australia too.
    Not much is known about Annie, as most of the communication of the family was through Henry Hood Newenham.

    Maternal - Blakeney - Galway/Athenry?

    • Not greatly researched but has strong ties to Athenry, the Newenham's and the Persse's.

    Maternal - Blood - Co. Clare (Applevale/Roxton?)
    • Not greatly researched, but Anne Blood (direct Maternal 5th GGM), was a daughter of Neptune Blood and Marianne Davies. From Applevale, Co Clare.
    • The Blood's of Applevale Co. Clare, are relatives of "Colonel Thomas Blood", who attempted to steal the Crown Jewels. Because of the the direct linkage on my Maternal line to the Blood family, it then goes on the paternal line to the Grandfather of  Col.Thomas Blood -  Captain Edmund Blood. This in turn has made me a 1st cousin 11x removed to Col. Thomas Blood.
    Maternal - MacNevin - Gort, Galway & Dublin

    • Daniel MacNevin (5th GGF)
    • Richard Charles MacNevin (4th GGF)
    • Thomas Edwin MacNevin (3rd GGF)
    Also known as 'McNevin' 'Nevin' or maybe 'Knavin'
    Mainly from Dublin, but also of Gort, Co Galway.
    Were of the occupation of Solicitor / Barrister's. Daniel was a "right hand man" to Daniel O'Connell - the great catholic emancipator.
    Thomas MacNevin Esq (Daniel's son - Distant Uncle to me) is known for being a co-contributor to "The Nation" newspaper and was a part of the "Young Ireland" movement in the 1840's
    Thomas was one of the best Law person's you could get in Ireland at the time. William Keogh was a witness to Thomas's wedding to Ellis Letitia Blake.
    Richard Charles MacNevin (4th GGF) - Solicitor / Barrister etc Richard wrote many books, on how to deal with estates and incumberances (sp?) of Lands after the "great famine". Missing landlords and debts incurred on estates was a massive part of the recovery after the famine. Thomas E MacNevin (3rd GGF) came to Brisbane / Sydney as a teenager, just after his father's death. Became a major influence in the law system in Sydney. Was part Magistrate / Coroner and also learnt the score of writing manuals from his Father / Uncle, on how to deal with "being" a coroner and judge.
    •  Phillip MacNevin (2nd GGF) (1878ish-1946)
    Born in Sydney, parents were Thomas Edwin MacNevin and Edith Ashworth Snape. He married a Annie Henriette Hasler (aka Marie Josephine Hasler - direct 2nd GGM), but had a very bad ending to their marriage. As I'm still discovering what exactly happened. Philip seemed to be very disjointed from the family, as there is very little about him and family ties to Sydney, other than the Parent's death notices, listing him as a child.
    He, in a sense, did not become anything like his Father or siblings, that is, he was not into the Law fraternity. Almost say a black sheep of the MacNevin family, but that is so far, as to my assumption at the moment. Story mentions that he went to train for "The Bar" and didn't want to do it and then went to "Sea" (Navy or Maritime orientated) at 17 years of age. There isn't enough evidence to confirm certain events, but conversations within this lineage, point towards Phillip having a very bad or disjointed relationship from his Sydney family base.
    I am still trying to work out, if Annie met Phillip in Adelaide or in Melbourne sometime around 1897-1904. I am not sure if Annie moved to Adelaide (Her Photographer Father moved to Adelaide around 1897) or if Annie stayed in Melbourne with her Aunt and Uncle (of the Melbourne firm - Johnstone O'Shannessy Photographic Studio)

    He held jobs mainly in the Marine Industry. He was aboard a lot of ships as a "Steward/Officers Assistant, Pantry Man". But these jobs weren't a consistent part of income.
    His marriage to Annie, was quite the connection to a very strong Irish Protestant / Catholic heritage. Phillip and Annie's marriage broke down sometime in the very late 1920's. The ending was, well what you'd expect of the 2 religions. Apparently quite the bitter ending.
    He died in Melbourne, buried in the same cemetery as his ex wife, but different plot of his ex wife, but weirdly enough, he is buried closer to his step mother.
    And lastly the Fitzgerald's : Co Cork and Cork City.

    • William Fitzgerald (5th GGF)  (??) *Updated 01-04-15*
    Cork City. Looks like he was dabbling in Cork City around the period of the very early 1800's.
    A genetic DNA test has shown quite an earlier involvement, to be some sort of heritage to Co. Limerick and connecting with a Shea Family from around Pallaskenry/Curaheen towns.
    Something to do with "WhiteForge".
    There also seems to be a very strong "Fitzgibbon" lineage as well. A Y-DNA "Fitzgibbon" has shown up on the 67 marker and 111 marker levels.

    • Thomas Fitzgerald (4th GGF) (1810-1859)
    Came to Australia in around Jan 1841, from Cork City, was of the Carpenter Trade. Was baptised in the "South Parish" (RC) of St. Finbar's, Cork.
    He married Elizabeth Ambrose in 1837, it is not sure where, but it may have been Mallow (guess). Thomas and Elizabeth left Ireland around mid 1840, and landed in Sydney, Australia around the new year period of 1841. They traveled as what is known as an "Assisted Immigrant". Even though he was born within the RC denomination, somewhere between 1810 and 1840, he had changed to being Protestant (Anglican). People changed religions due to marriage, persecution or a lands issue, but nothing is known yet on this change of religion. But a lot of medieval history shows that there is a huge dominance of "Fitzgerald's" jumping ship from Catholic to being Protestant due to a lands issue in the Medieval period. He was noted on the Immigration records as being "Protestant". His child (below) was raised as an strong Anglican member and was a forever under that denomination.
    He died in Sydney in 1859.
    • Thomas Fitzgerald (3rd GGF) (1842-1908)
    Born in Sydney, but not much is known of his early life until about 1860. He became part of a Wine Merchant company - became a French Vice Consul and an Italian Vice Consul for the Federal Government.
    Around 1859-1862, he became a Clerk for a Wine Merchant company of "Curcier & Co", then a few years later, he became a partner in the business named "Curcier & Adet" in Sydney. Some of other partners were also previous French Consuls as well. Lived in Pearson Street - Balmain, Sydney.
    When he was 16, he became the man of the house, when his Father died (1859)
    I am working on a theory, that the family may have had assistance from other people, after the death of their father - Thomas. As I don't see how a family could stay in one place for many years later, when the family was dominated by 4 children, at the age of 16 or under. 1859 - 1860 must of been a tough couple of years.

    • Thomas Fitzgerald (2nd GGF) (1868-1943) 
    Born in Sydney, married to Elizabeth Rees. Was a Civil Engineer, but seems to have also dabbled into the RAAF.
    Recent information, has Thomas working for the shipping yard company based at "Mort Docks" in Balmain. His Father-In-Law (Wallace Rees), was an engineer in the Mort Dock company and it's believed that Wallace may have put a good word in for him, to get a job on the Dock.

    Intertwined with the Fitzgerald Maternal / Paternal side, were the following families : 

    Hatch (Aus-Ire), Gallagher (Aus-Ire), Humphries (Aus-Eng), Sheehan (Aus-Ire), Ambrose (Ire), Rees, Tarring (Eng), Rodgers, Fish, Morgan, Collins (Eng, but could be Ire too), Godson or Godsell (Ire)

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    by Stories Of My Irish Families Thursday, December 05, 2013 No comments
    Many years ago (well 16 years ago), my Great Aunt on my Mother's side had drawn up a family tree for my wife and I.
    My wife (Jo Ann) was born in the USA. My Great Aunt made this Family Tree, for us, when we got married.
    It went into somewhat great detail on fellow ancestors before me. It also would help my new Wife, to understand a bit of my Mother's side to the family.

    It was one of the first few times, that family ancestral history was taught to me.

    Some of the info was interesting, but many people wain from knowing or wanting to know such things, mainly because it's boring. The other thing is, that we newcomers to the "ancestral" history don't know about, is that we have no idea on how to relate to these people and their lives.
    I found connection in photographs, there in lies a visual, on the person you want to know about. The photograph speaks more than a 1,000 words. It can almost sum up their life. (The looks of their face and person. Their clothes of the era they lived in).

    At around the same time, we went through some info with my Aunty of my Father's side, which had some connection to Cork - Ireland. Though there wasn't enough stories on the Fitzgerald's, to research. Very difficult to research. Some other parts of the Fitzgerald connected families, related to the Gallagher's / Sheehan's and Hatch's. Most of them came from the Northern parts of Ireland One connection of the Hatch's, had a Blacksmith shop in around the ACT (Gininderra). It was said to have had connotations that the Blacksmith, 'shod' Ned Kelly's horse. There was also a Gallipoli veteran as well - James Sebastian Sheehan, who's WW1 medal I have seen.

    Knowing basic information is ok and all well and good, but I found to become involved with more interest, you have to hear somewhat of a juicy story or more than that "they lived and they died".
    You want to hear if they owned a pub, or owned lots of land or became a very important person - etc. They may also have had Convict ties as well. Some of these is best to understand, to figure out what went on their lives to become the "convict".

    Ancestral history, is an acquired taste initially, but it soon becomes an 'obsession'. Trust me.

    The 'obsession' part comes from unlocking parts of peoples lives that directly relate to you, particularly when you find out some news, that was hidden from the family (Child out of Wedlock, Parent's weren't married when they said they were, Court Cases involving unlawful activities . etc) and most of all, that hardly anyone knows about it.
    It takes time to digest the first few times, when delving into one's ancestors lives, as it's not easily understood until it's explained a bit better.

    Well, I'm here to set the record straight on "boring".

    4 years on extensive researching, has netted to what I believe to be a very historical Irish family connection, to most parts of Ireland, from both Paternal and Maternal sides. But IMHO, my Maternal side eclipses my Paternal side of being "more Irish than the Irish".

    My Father's side originates from the City of Cork, and were of the Carpenter trade.
    Some other connections on the Paternal side, head to other parts of Ireland.
    The Irish Fitzgerald left Cork in 1840 bound for Sydney, Australia.

    My Mother's side has Cork, Galway and Dublin links in the most unusual way of connections.
    Particularly it centre's on the Law / Parliamentarian side of things.
    Some of them came here in the height of the Goldrush era or just after (1850's +) and they centred around Melbourne, Australia.

    The key point is, that my Mother's side, is teaching me everything I wanted to know about Ireland.
    It is also teaching me about my Father's side as well as "the how or the why's" did the Fitzgerald family come to Australia.
    And mostly, I have never set foot in Ireland, but I know most of it's basic history and my Mother's side played important parts in it's development.

    It is also teaching me so much about Ireland that I never knew, that no books or school teacher could teach me in that time. Even University (well some parts).
    I am almost schooling them, as the history that is being uncovered, hasn't been put together. The history is there, but no-one has joined the dots to such extent.

    Only 2 people, that I have communicated with in the last few years, have better understanding to Mum's side, is that of Author - James Kelly, who published a very extensive bio on my 6th Great Grandfather and unknowingly joined so many dots of one family ancestor and his family, that part of the book relates to my Mother directly (genes passed down). And Adam Lowe Martin, who has helped me to a great deal, to understand such a well known Irish family - the Persse family.

    On a last note : Some people have also been on the trail, assisting me with the endeavours of sharing information to most importantly "corroborate" or confirm/deny details.
    As many documents were just plain incorrect and chinese whispers were somewhat true, but had a different meaning when it was confirmed.
    It is most important to recheck your information by different avenues, as you can come unstuck and spend a lot of money researching someone else's family.

    I'll be posting the family connections in the next post (in basic form).

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    by Stories Of My Irish Families Thursday, December 05, 2013 No comments

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