Stories Of My Irish Families

Irish Native/Planter Stories

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Slight Delay to writing.

For the past 7-8 months, I have reduced my blog posts, because I am looking after my Nephew.

Long and very complicated story, but morally being family, we had to take him in to our care.
But 3 weeks later, there was a complete misunderstanding with the time of care and somehow we were forced to take care for an "indefinite" time. Unbeknownst to us.
In this time of 7-8 months, we think he may have discovered that my Nephew has ASD. This was not explained to us, when he arrived to our care. If anyone knows how demanding a child with ASD gets, you can understand, why I have been quiet for a while.
Though I have had to make a decision to end our care, because it has taken a great big toll on my household and we cannot provide the level of support that he needs. This will happen in about 1-2 weeks.

I will be on leave next week, for about 6 weeks. I have saved up some stories (I think) and I am in the middle of a few more.

I have to take a visit to Albury NSW / Wodonga VIC, and visit a cousin, who shares a link to my Paternal Hatch/Sheehan families. I'm hoping I can link a bit more of stories to this. This will be 1860's/1870's period. It has links back to the 1st Irish Immigrants - Hatch family was Northern Ireland and Sheehan's, should be from Cork, but DNA is most probably pointing me in the direction of an ancient link to Far West Cork (Skibbereen). The Sheehan link has the potential to link back to my direct Paternal lineage, back to, atleast the 12th Century. The Sheehan/Hatch family link, is from my Paternal Great Grandmother Kathleen T Sheehan.

I'm also going to try and visit Marysville, Victoria, which carries a tragic story to my Maternal Newenham line (The link is a Collateral Descendant off Henry Hood Newenham and Annie Persse).

Stay tuned.
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Thursday, March 09, 2017 1 comment

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