Using DNA is very confusing, particularly when you have deep ancestral Irish roots both sides of your Parents.
The most difficult part to understand what has happened to my DNA, is the fact that I believe that even though my Parents aren't directly related to any closer than 5th cousin, they share such a dominance of deep connection to Western and South Western Ireland. It has totally blown my mind, of how Mum and Dad can show such a dominance of "Irishness", simply being out of country over 150 years ago.
In order to understand why certain families link up to my DNA and either of my Parents (in some cases all 3 of us connect to that 1 person), I have had to dumb down the DNA research by chasing or breaking it down by "Birth of Origin". I have used this method to understand a genetic connection and how they may be related to myself or my parents.
Some Native Irish names are very close and I don't understand how close they can be to us, because certain branches have been out of Ireland for so long. This is mind blowing stuff.
My mistake, like anyone else is to chase your surname and believe that you have had it over an inifinity of time. Let me say one thing, wrong. Your surname has a high chance of stopping at a certain point of time and changing. My Y-DNA is showing very much that trend. A big lesson in Paternal line genetics.
To help out with Autosomal genetic matches, I used the Birth of Origin to place a common ancestor (or Parent of such).
I use the general guide of how many cM's are shared and try to correlate how many generations up the chain our common ancestor is.
Using the chart by John J Tierney , we can see the projected / mathematical cm's shared in relation to the tested cousin. The cM's shared are just a guide and in reality, you may match slightly higher or slightly lower than the projected cM count.
The key to understanding a complex issue that I have run into, I believe a lot of Irish Native's are coming through a Paternal Great Grandmother - via the Sheehan name (Co. Cork). I think this lineage is dominant but still slightly misunderstood. I thought my surname may have had something to do with it, but after a while, I started to understand that my surname would only connect at a 5th level cousin or more, unless another person in Australia tested, however the Sheehan lineage had 1-2 steps closer to Ireland. It would explain why I had a family ancestral name in common with the Sheehan line.
Of the names that the Sheehan line spawned from, was Thompson and Hatch names. The Thompson name is dominant in the Autosomal results and links with people who share names through my Great Grandmother's line.
So, the below chart, shows my Paternal Lineage (my Father is the start point).
The top half is my Father's Paternal side, bottom is Maternal.
Part of my methodology, is to see if 1-2 generations up from what the DNA says, is where the common ancestor may lay.
I am also showing how much the % of ethinicty changes per generation. From my Father's GGP's to the 2nd GGP's, there is a huge jump of originating "outside" of Australia. In this pictograph, you can plainly see, how much Irish there is - 65% at the 3rd GGP level.
Now, to throw a spanner in the works and show the true reality of complexity, there is a plausible story, that my Father's Maternal line has a Female Irish McCarthy in it. This McCarthy is supposed to be based in Lismore, Co. Waterford during the 1700's - apparently an ancient seat of the McCarthy's.
If I have read the history right, during the medieval period, the Lismore McCarthy's were pushed by the Norman's to the West Cork area. Thus, showing a plausible link between my Father's Paternal Fitzgerald's to the Maternal lined Lismore / West Cork McCarthy's.
If there is any really close Irish cousins, they must have come through, one of the 2nd GGP's and maybe based off an 1st Gen Australian. But which side is the key - when you don't know what family name they share.
Birth of Origin - Paternal Line