Sunday, 31 May 2015

Maternal Lineage to the Persse's of Roxborough - Co. Galway
It was explained to me about 18 years ago by a family tree that was supplied by Great Aunt, that we had connection to the Great family of the Persse's of Co. Galway.
At first I didn't know what this meant, but now I do.
A link to help a bit...
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Battle of Waterloo 200 Years Anniversary - June 1815 - June 2015
Family history research, gets quite involved when you can dig up stories this far back.
It's even more involved when multiple family members are involved with the same story, albeit a few years apart.
The Battle of Waterloo...
Sunday, 10 May 2015

My Direct Male Lineage to Ireland - Fitzgerald
What is known that 2 Generations (William and son Thomas) were from Cork City, it is unsure where William's Father originated. I'm suspecting he may have traveled from Far West Cork, or from Limerick to be placed in Cork City by the 1800 era.
Saturday, 9 May 2015

My Direct Female Line to Ireland - Blood/Persse/Newenham/Blakeney/Burton/Davies
Anne Blood is the Daughter of Neptune Blood and Marianne Davies.
They are the Blood's of Applevale - County Clare and distant relatives of the famous Thomas Blood, who went on to steal the Crown Jewels. It isn't known...
Friday, 1 May 2015

Understanding my deep "Irish" connection between Protestant and "Young Irelander-ism".
I am now at a weird, but deep phase on understanding this Irish Family History of mine.
So deep, that I am having trouble with the complexity of 2 'very different' cultural lines of "Irish". One being Protestant...