Stories Of My Irish Families

Irish Native/Planter Stories

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Edward Worth Newenham 1762-1832  (Eldest Son of Sir Edward and Lady Grace) A lot of my Irish Family research comes from my Maternal side and it references the Newenham's. They have so much information about them that co-incides with what family papers I have, you sort of have to document them....
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Saturday, December 19, 2015 3 comments

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Mr Thomas Edwin MacNevin - Police Magistrate, Coroner & Author   Thomas Edwin MacNevin P.M 1844-1907 Last night, I finally found him!!! I found an image of a family member that I have been searching for over 5 years. A "eureka" moment. Born in Dublin - Ireland under a Catholic following,...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Saturday, November 14, 2015 1 comment

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

This is where DNA technology, has placed my direct Paternal line. I have drawn up this image, to show how DNA technology has placed my direct paternal line, in connection with an ancient Irish Dynasty called "Ui' Fidgenti". This data was based from 2 sources - South Irish DNA project and The...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Tuesday, November 03, 2015 No comments

Monday, 2 November 2015

My Genetical information should be having an internal struggle with itself. Coming up to 2 years since I have done some DNA research. As much as I understand part of it, the ties to historical events is becoming quite clear. Except I just can't grasp the intensity of what it's trying to say. I am a little overwhelmed by what it could prove, in a historical sense. I am certain my DNA is messed up and is having a war between itself. Basically my Mother's DNA served Ireland in a politically and "justice by the courts" way, whereas my Father's DNA is showing Irish "justice by the sword" way. In...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Monday, November 02, 2015 No comments

Saturday, 5 September 2015

1897 - The era that changed the Hasler's and the fall of Johnstone O'Shannessy & Co. Since the last post, a little story has evolved that has helped understand what happened to the Hasler's and what the Photographic empire they had created, went through. Late 1897, was a pivotal year for both...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Saturday, September 05, 2015 1 comment

Saturday, 15 August 2015

1869 + - The early Australian years 3rd GGF - Frederick John Hasler, left Liverpool on the 2nd of February 1869, bound for Melbourne, Australia, aboard the S.S Great Britain. He landed on either the 8th or 9th of April, in Melbourne. His diary of the journey to Australia, depicts some boredom...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Saturday, August 15, 2015 No comments

Sunday, 2 August 2015

The Galway Years (before 1869) and travel to Melbourne - Australia  Hasler Brother's - Melbourne - After April 1869 Images of people or places, say one thing "A picture tells a thousand words". Well, this is much more than just the colloquial saying. It not only depicts a Family of 2 Irish...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Sunday, August 02, 2015 2 comments

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

1700's Dublin Castle - Ireland to Photo Extraordinaires in 150 years If there is someone in your family lines, that document things by images, you can't go past this photography family. But set in an earlier time, these Hasler's had strong Irish - Dublin Castle links. This may go into a 2 or 3 page post, as the details of them and the connections they had, were large. I mean, it just doesn't stop at the Hasler family, as many people that graced their presence, were influential people, particularly the Irish, whether it be in Ireland or Australia. Their connectivity was immense. It even stems...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Tuesday, July 28, 2015 No comments

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Deepest Y-DNA research to date - Part 2 - Names in my DNA (South Irish) As mentioned in my previous post, my surname is supposed to be atleast a descendant from Mainland Europe. It's not. So, to break it down, why it's not, I'm going to list the names of the families that show a very close association to my surname. These names link to ancient times, but going by historical notes, it is expected to be of a later period, after 1169 AD. However, the Y-DNA may link back further, due to the local Irish Male DNA that is supposed to be there (it is why I connect to the "early Irish" - something...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Sunday, July 19, 2015 No comments

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Deepest Y-DNA research to date Well, the deepest test came in on my Father's Y-DNA just a few days ago. It tested about 50 odd SNP's in the CTS-4466 "South Irish DNA" Haplogroup and proved beyond reasonable doubt, the final destination. We are now landed at A-155 (R-A155). This A-155 also contains a Fitzgibbon lineage and also has something to do with an O'Hearn name (not tested to A-155). I am using an educated guess, that this maybe more of a plausible Limerick connection. But all I know of a Cork City connection via paperwork. A few Autosomal matches with both myself and my Father, share...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Thursday, July 16, 2015 1 comment

Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Two Faces of Old Cultural Ireland These 2 images, depict part of my Maternal Family and have taught me so much on a Country, that I knew little about 10 years ago. They depict 2 types of Irish of the "Old Culture" and they ignite my thoughts on why a country was so hard done by. The years within...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Thursday, July 09, 2015 No comments

Sunday, 21 June 2015

A 1789 Letter that defines - "Images Tell Stories" One of the greatest pieces of Family History that I came across, were 2 Photographic Negative Glass Plates and the story of a letter on how it managed itself to Australia. On these 2 Glass Plates, sat 2 pages of a letter that was photographed, most...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Sunday, June 21, 2015 No comments
Images can depict so much of a story, beyond our thoughts. Over the years of my research and being able to get into photography, is that I have learnt that a Portrait / Photograph of one's Ancestors or any image of any type, depicts not only the person, but defines a snapshot in time to a lost era. Images...
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by Stories Of My Irish Families Sunday, June 21, 2015 No comments

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