Edgar Claude Hasler - 1874 -1946
Continuing from Part 4:Patent No.1 - Well Boring Device
Patent No.2 - Steam Generator
Patent No.3 - Coal Shale Retort
Patent No.4 - Shale or Coal Retort
Patent No.5 - Improvements in Steam Generator
Patent No.6 - Improvements for Distillation of Shale
Moure also became known for an inventive mind. After WW1, Moure's mining expedition in Western Australia came to a close. He moved back to Melbourne and then off to Sydney (Naremburn).
With no prior history of his schooling and or his higher education skills ever known, it is not fully understood 'where' he got his skills of the Mining Industry, but one thing is clear, they were all mostly derived from Oil/Coal/Gas/Power Generation industries / concepts.
One would have to think, if you were producing patents for these industries, you should have a clear understanding on principles of chemistry and metallurgy.
No paperwork, has ever shown up as proof, as to Moure's Chemistry / Metallurgy skills.
I have only but a grasp of how I think Moure knew his stuff. The only way that is clear, is again, by his Grandfather's stories and "hand down of information" of his Great Grandfather - Edward Worth Newenham 1767-1832.
The Mining of the lands in Tipperary, Ireland by Edward and Moure's life history, is too hard to ignore. It is the only shining light in all these years of research, to provide more than just "reasonable doubt" to his knowledge.
Moure never had shown any proof of accolades at all. Simply business cards with his titles. Some mention of Trade Certificates, but that would not warrant the certain information or jobs that what he was trying to get.
A lot of his writings to people, had instilled some sort of "too much information" and it confused the participant, in that they just agreed with what he said. It all sounded good.....That is until certain people with 'professor' accolades, sussed him out.
He had the "gift of the gab" and writing skills to procure a benefit in his favour, most of his lines would be something in the order of "be a good chap and help me out, without the fuss".
Moure's persona, had to be about 10-15 years older than he really was. It was created that way, to show that he was "in the early days" of exploration, as Australia was only finding it's feet in the very early 1900's. It was the only way he knew on how to pull it off.
These Patents also show a trend throughout his life, in that he changed his middle "R" name a few times. We see 2 names, "Rawson" and "Roswan" but he did have a 3rd name as well, but it's not mentioned here in these patents.
They were changed on purpose and there is no doubt about it. As certain events that happened around the time of change, he had issues with his devices and people were trying to find him, to get their money back.
Because he changed his middle initial, he went under the name of K.R Moure, which technically, could be all of these changes.
Pretty smart fella, that he could, so to speak, be 3 people all at once.
Of what I can figure out about Mr Moure, these patents were IMHO, previous peoples patents and idea's and all he did was play with them and call it an "improvement". Under the patent laws, to be your own patent you can - edit, a previous patent, improve it to clean it's flaws and it can be then claimed as your own.
The key problem with patents (that I understood after all of this research), is that they were still untested devices, which I didn't know about at the time. They "claimed" to work, but an inventor had to protect their work, so they patented it, before it was tested. The patent was then put to the public, to entice the investment of said device. With the influx of money, R&D could be further placed on the development of the patent.
With these patents, if your device didn't work as claimed (when built and physically tested), you didn't get the funding or the investors.
Now, sometime later, someone else can pick up this flawed patent, simply tweak it, then flog it off as an "improved" device. But yet, it can be still flawed and not work after the tweak.
Depending on the "Inventor" and the gift of the gab, you can sell it off and make money.
This is simply my theory on Moure. He had knowledge of the industry, but lacked chemistry and metallurgy skills. And his undoing. It is the sole reason why he did not get financial backing from anyone, simply because his theories on the product actually working, didn't match up with the investors beliefs.
These patents were tweaks on previous patents that didn't work. He used the analogy that someone else did the hard yards, I'll use their failed project and tweak it and sell it.
He tried for many years to sell his devices, but yet could not provide evidence that they indeed actually worked. He wanted funding first then produced the product.
Off all these patents, none of them were sold or made any money for Moure.
When Moure (Edgar) died in 1946, his 'WILL' mentioned this tidbit. The answer!
*Note : His will was under the name of Kelwylyn R Moure, not Edgar Claude Hasler. Yet in the will he mentions his family that is of the "Hasler's" and "MacNevin's". He died as Kelwylyn R Moure.